DAGA 2023
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DAGA 2023
DAGA 2023
Allgemeine Informationen
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Janina Fels
Institute: Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics, RWTH Aachen University
Audio-visual content mismatches in the serial recall paradigm (en)
On the monaural contribution to HRTF discrimination (en)
Akustische Vermessung einer Wärmepumpe für Hörexperimente und Simulationen (de)
Investigating the Influence of Visual Distractors on the Voluntary Switching of Auditory Selective Attention in Virtual Reality (en)
Investigating Intentional Switching of Spatial Auditory Selective Attention in an Experiment with Preschool Children (de)
Subjektiver akustischer Komfort von Luftdurchlässen für Gebäudelüftungen (de)
Evaluating Models for the Simulation of Cochlear Hearing Loss (en)
Comparing Children’s and Adults’ Intentional Switching of Auditory Selective Attention in Spatial and Noisy Acoustic Environments (de)
Towards More Realistic Listening Research in Virtual Environments: The Effect of Spatial Position of Two Talkers in Conversations on Memory and Listening Effort (en)
The Auditory Mismatch Negativity as an EEG-derived Measure of Predictive Coding (en)
Individualized Head-related Transfer Functions for Children (en)
DEGA-Fachausschuss Hörakustik
Auswirkung akustischer Maßnahmen auf das Lärmempfinden im Klassenraum (de)
Session leader
SPP2236 - Auditory Cognition in Interactive Virtual Environments 1
SPP2236 - Auditory Cognition in Interactive Virtual Environments 2
DEGA-Fachausschuss Hörakustik